Pan de Manila

We wuz robbed!!!

Bought some Filipino bread rolls from Pan de Manila today.

Pan de Manila

But look at what we got!

pandesalPandesal – small (Php4.00/pc)

One was practically half the size of the other!

Definitely a rip-off.

Boo 😡

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Sunday Road

Just found out recently that this busy road on weekdays is closed to traffic on Sundays!

F. Ortigas Jr. RoadDuring carless Sundays, bikers rule!

There’s a spot renting out bikes and booths selling stuff.

A lovely place to be on a lazy day. 😀


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City Park

Took a wrong turn and stumbled upon this small park in the business district!

Ortigas ParkThe tiny patch of green was such a refreshing sight amid concrete skyscrapers and high-rise.

So I bought a frappé at the nearby café and chilled on one of the benches…..

bench…..till I realized I had to run cuz I was going to be late for an appointment! LOL

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Magnolia Ice Cream

One of the leading ice cream brands in the Philippines is Magnolia.

In fact, I was told that a sprawling Magnolia Ice Cream House once stood where Robinsons Magnolia Mall is now. (Hence, the name!)

Although there’s still an ice cream parlor in the area, it’s tiny compared to what it used to be. And a lot more crowded too!

MagnoliaPersonally, I find Magnolia too sweet! But I indulge once in a while, especially when I’m with family and friends. 🙂

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Kogi BulgogiI know tipping is SOP in the Philippines.

What I don’t get is why we’re still expected to leave a tip even at restaurants that already incorporates service charge in the bill…..Sometimes, service isn’t even good anyway…..

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